Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way” Lyrics Meaning

The lyrics Aerosmith’s “Walk This Way” may be a little challenging to hear for people who aren’t used to listening to rock music. But the narrative contained therein is actually easy-to-follow once you know the story behind the words.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Aerosmith's Walk This Way at

Verse 1

The first subject of “Walk This Way”, as depicted in the first verse, is a sensually eager and untouched lad. In fact his dad actually catches him having fun with himself. But he assures his son that once he gets a feel of the real thing he’ll be ‘a-changing his ways’.

Pre Chorus

So later in the pre-chorus the boy musters up the heart to approach a particular lady who is apparently “a cheerleader”. And they indeed end up doing the do. But in the process the young man comes to realize that said lady is a lot more experienced than he is.  Thus the titular phrase “walk this way” actually points to her giving him specific instructions on how to get the job done.

Second Verse

Meanwhile the second verse seems to be based on a different yet similar character. This guy is a “high school loser” who “never made it with a lady”.  However, he still manages to get looks from three of his female classmates.  That latter aspect is said to be based on Steven Tyler’s fantasies about having two women simultaneously. But this boy does apparently go on to have an intimate affair with one of his neighbor’s daughters. And based on the overall storyline, she too would be instructing the boy on how to effectively enjoy the experience.


So basically what we have here is a song that is almost entirely about intimacy. However, the metaphors used are vague enough that for instance Aerosmith was able to get “Walk This Way” released as a hit single in 1975.  But conclusively the song is about sensually-inexperienced young males who, at least from their perspectives, get lucky enough to one day actually engage in the real act.

Lyrics of "Walk this Way"

Facts about “Walk This Way”

“Walk This Way” was written by Aerosmith’s lead singer Steven Tyler and the band’s main guitarist Joe Perry.

It was Joe Perry who actually originated the tune one day in 1974 while “fooling around” on his guitar.

The title of this song was actually a phrase derived from the 1974 Mel Brooks’ film “Young Frankenstein”.

Columbia Records released the track on 28 August 1975 as the second single from Aerosmith’s third album, “Toys in the Attic”.

“Walk This Way” charted in Australia and Canada. It also broke the top 10 on both the Billboard Hot 100 and the US Cash Box Top 100.

This track is considered by many to be Aerosmith’s signature tune. In fact in 1997 the band themselves named their memoir “Walk This Way: The Autobiography of Aerosmith”.

Moreover the track made it into the Grammy Hall of Fame in 2019.

“Walk This Way” is recognized as the first time in which a musical apparatus known as a talkbox was used in a song that went on to become a hit.

Notable Remixex/Covers

This track was famously remixed by the iconic rap group Run DMC (along with Aerosmith) in 1986. 

A couple of European girl bands called the Sugababes and Girls Aloud also released a successful joint rendition in 2007.

5 Responses

  1. John G. says:

    Pretty sure the main point – giving a little kiss – is referring to sex of the oral variety 🙂

  2. Bill says:

    Kitty in the middle
    ?her pu–y?

  3. Anonymous says:

    I think the second verse line “Then my next door neighbor with a daughter had a favor” means that the guy got with the mother and not the daughter

  4. Gregg L. Friedman MD says:

    Which version sold more records, the 1975 version or the remake with Run DMC? By Gregg L. Friedman MD

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