Meaning of “Banshee” by Extreme

The lyrics of Extreme’s “Banshee” are filled to the brim with very strong supernatural and mythological references. These lyrics appear to be talking about a person ensnared by a powerful, irresistible, yet dangerous entity. This is likely symbolizing a destructive relationship or an addiction the subject is dealing with.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Extreme's Banshee at

That being said, it is possible that the banshee that the song’s narrator (Gary Cherone) is talking about is a woman whom he is likely in a romantic union with. In his eyes, this woman is very similar to a banshee.

Who or What is a Banshee?

You have no idea who or what a banshee is? No problem. Just imagine this. You’re just hanging out in Ireland, probably sipping on some fine whiskey or something, and suddenly you hear this eerie, spine-chilling wail. Gives you goosebumps, right? Well, according to Irish folklore, that’s the banshee.

A banshee is like this spirit or fairy lady who’s got this habit of crying out in the night. But here’s the kicker, it ain’t because she’s lost her favorite leprechaun or anything. No sir, her wails are said to foretell death. Yup, you heard right, death. So basically, if you’re up late and hear some creepy lady screaming her lungs out, it might be time to, you know, make sure your will’s up to date. Spooky, right?

An Evil Woman

At the beginning of the song, the narrator creates an eerie and haunting atmosphere with what looks like a reference to the Siren from Greek mythology.

“Moon lit pale
Gathering gale
Siren sings
Wail on a wing
Calling my name
Again and again
Haunting refrain”

According to Greek mythology, Sirens were captivating creatures with beautiful voices who lured sailors to their deaths with enchanting songs. So, imagine this. You’re on a killer Mediterranean cruise, just vibing on your ancient Greek trireme, when suddenly you hear the most enchanting music ever. Now, this isn’t your regular Top 40 hit. This tune is coming from these gorgeous bird-woman hybrids chilling on an island, and their voices are like the original siren song.

Get it? Siren song? Anyway, here’s the catch: their lullaby is a one-way ticket to Davy Jones’s locker. Yup, these Sirens don’t just want to serenade you. They want to lure you to your doom, crash your ship on the rocks, the whole shebang. So next time you hear some sweet tunes wafting over the waves, might be a good idea to plug your ears with some wax, just like our old pal Odysseus. Sounds wild, right? Sirens were beautiful and very evil at the same time. Their primary objective was to lure sailors to their deaths.

This is exactly how Gary Cherone describes the “Banshee” woman he is associated with. In his eyes, she is completely evil. He even goes on to to refer to her as a “she-devil in disguise”.

“Angel bring
Death and Her sting
Serpentine kiss
Narcotic bliss”

From the lyrics above, we find out the subject is depicted as deadly but irresistibly tempting, much like a drug (“narcotic bliss”) that promises pleasure but leads to pain and death.

She screams…
Banshee got me down
Six feet underground
Banshee be the death of me”

The above (which is part of the chorus), suggests that Gary’s entanglement with the subject (whether a person, addiction, or other destructive force) is leading him towards his own destruction or demise.

When was “Banshee” released?

It officially came out on April 19th, 2023. The song can be found on Extreme’s sixth studio album titled “Six”.

1 Response

  1. Estabell says:

    Fifteen years ago, we never could have imagined that Extreme would make a comeback with this much impact. Yet, here they are, emerging out of nowhere and redefining the standards of rock with their latest releases, including “Banshee.” The harmonies in this song are absolutely captivating, adding depth and richness to the “Six” album in general. It’s a solid song with a memorable hook, something that many bands are still striving to achieve in today’s music business. The guitar sounds are simply untouchable, showcasing the unparalleled skill of the band members. Each member shines in their own right, contributing to the greatness of the song. It’s evident that Extreme has put in tremendous effort and passion into creating this masterpiece. Kudos to the entire team, especially Nuno Bettencourt for producing an exceptional song like this.

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