Meaning of “IDGAF” by Dua Lipa

“IDGAF” is a song performed by English singer and songwriter Dua Lipa. “IDGAF”, which is the acronym for “I Don’t Give A F***” come with lyrics that are basically about a boyfriend whose girlfriend catches him redhanded being unfaithful to her. The highly personal nature of the lyrics has led many to ask whether they are based on a real story in Lipa’s life or not.

You can view the lyrics, alternate interprations and sheet music for Dua Lipa's IDGAF at

Speaking with the BBC, Lipa said certain parts of the lyrics are autobiographical. According to her, the lyrics are about a significant other, who calls out of the blue one day after a long time of being separated from each other, leading her to wonder what gives her ex the right to call her and ask about how she is doing after all the damage he has caused her.

Lyrics of IDGAF by Dua Lipa

Facts about “IDGAF”

  • The song was written by Lipa and four other songwriters, including Skyler Stonestreet and MNEK.
  • “IDGAF” was produced by renowned Canadian record producer Stephen Kozmeniuk (also known as Koz), Lorna Blackwood and Larzz Principato.
  • The song was released on January 12th 2018 as the eighth and final single from Lipa’s debut album Dua Lipa.
  • Music director Henry Scholfield, who directed the music video of Lipa’s hit single “New Rules“, also directed the music video of “IDGAF”. According to Lipa, the music video has a theme that talks about using self-love to overcome all the negativity that comes you way.
  • The song peaked at number 64 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and number 3 on the UK Singles Chart. In both Ireland and Israel, the song made it to number 1.
  • Lipa said the music video was the most difficult music video she had ever shot in her career. According to her, the entire shooting of the video took about 22 hours.

Below is the music video of IDGAF:


2 Responses

  1. Michelle L DeNunzio says:

    I came across this song recently and I haven’t stopped listening to it since I’ve found it. The dancing she does in the video is incredible. I’ve been trying so hard to learn the dance steps but i’ve come to the conclusion i’m better at watching Dua Lipa then trying to imitate her but I am her biggest fan now.

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